Choosing Adoption is Never a Mistake

We recently interviewed a new birthmother, Julia. She wanted to share her story, and the hesitations she had about adoption. We hope this story will help you consider adoption when faced with the tough decisions. An unplanned pregnancy is never easy to handle, but Julia’s story gives us insight into how you make that choice.

“I just thought to myself, ‘this is all a mistake,’ and felt really afraid. It didn’t make sense, what I was doing. I was so in love with my baby, and already longing for those moments in motherhood that you hear about – first words, the first day of school, and being able to hold my baby with the father by my side.”

What Julia felt may be exactly what you feel now. Every mother, whether her pregnancy was planned or not, has doubts. Julia wondered whether she was doing the best for her child in choosing adoption. She continued:

“The hardest part for me was that this pregnancy wasn’t at all what I had imagined when I was younger. I always thought I would be married, and that when I told the father he would be even more excited than me. When I told my mom she’d cry, and when I told my sister she would scream and hug me. And that I’d give this baby a big family.  But none of that happened, and I kind of knew that this wasn’t the way I wanted to bring my baby into the world.”

Many of us dream about motherhood, but it’s rarely what we think it will be.

You too may wonder if adoption is the right choice or just the one that seems right. Motherhood is a journey as unique as you are, and being a birthmother is no less a part of that experience. You bring a beautiful child into the world.  He or she will love and appreciate you for your selflessness every day of your life. 

“Once I realized that my choice didn’t mean I was giving my baby a lesser life, I didn’t feel bad anymore. I knew it wasn’t a mistake because it eventually just felt right.”

Mistakes are never truly mistakes – you learn from them and develop a better sense of yourself. Your journey as a birthmother is a beautiful opportunity to love a child like no one else.

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