Choosing Adoption for Your Child During Covid-19

If you are pregnant and considering adoption, we are sure you’ve wondered about the adoption process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Choosing adoption is not easy in the best of times. Add in the current global pandemic and there are even more issues and emotions to deal with. We understand how difficult this decision can be.

The impact of Covid-19 has been devastating. The effect it has had on our economy, friends and family is, as they say, “unprecedented.” Many are struggling. An unexpected pregnancy can be stressful enough and with Covid-19 it is even harder to figure out what to do.

We have many women who are choosing adoption for their baby because Covid-19 has had such impact on their lives – especially financially. Many have lost their jobs, while many others are home-schooling their children while trying to work. The additional physical and emotional stress the pandemic puts on a pregnant woman during this time cannot be ignored. However, while the adoption journey for an expectant/birthmother during coronavirus may be different, it can still be navigated to a positive outcome for many women with the right guide.

COVID-19 cannot stop babies from being born. Expectant birthmothers, who choose adoption during this time may have to deal with unexpected arrangements at the hospital. While many of the protocols in place due to Covid-19 may not be exactly what you want, Birthmother’s Choice will be there for you throughout your adoption journey.

Dealing with an untimely pregnancy during Covid-19 can be a challenge, but with the right help and support from our adoption specialists, you will not be alone.