Birthmothers Can Choose the Adoptive Parents

Birthmothers Can Choose the Adoptive Parents

Many people think an unplanned pregnancy gives a birthmother no choice. That is a myth! From the moment a birthmother learns she is pregnant she has the choice to decide her course of action every step of the way. Once she has decided adoption is the right choice for her and her unborn baby, she can have input into the family her child is placed in. Here are some questions for the birthmother to consider.

  1. Is religion important? For some their religious beliefs are strong; for others it doesn’t matter. If the birthmother has strong religious beliefs she should take the religious practices of the adoptive parents into consideration.
  2. Does the adoptive parents age matter? Some birthmothers find it appealing to have a more established couple, others may find excitement in a young couple with a lot of energy to devote to the new baby. Some of these concerns are valid; however, some are clouded by her perspective based on her situation.
  3. What kind of environment do you want for your baby? Do you picture your child growing up in the suburbs, the city, or the country? Do you want your child to have several siblings or be a part of a small family? Do you want the extended family close by for additional support or do you picture the bond of an intimate threesome?
  4. What role does a career play in the life of your child? Whether the adoptive couple are both professionals or one spouse wants to be a stay-at-home parent will make a difference in the home environment of the child. Taking these things into consideration will allow you to get a glimpse into everyday life for your child.

There are many factors a birthmother can consider in choosing the right home for her child. Beginning with these basics will help her have a roadmap and allow her to start thinking of other factors which are important to her. An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t eliminate a birthmother’s choice to help place her child into a home that is the picture of perfection she sees for her child.